Friday, November 11, 2022

Educational Blogging

 Blogging is a way for people to share their thoughts, ideas, and opinions on certain topics. There are now educational blogs where teachers can share their ideas about educational activities and practices. According to the K-12 Educational Technology Handbook, there are many benefits for both student and teachers in regards to blogging. For teachers, blogging allows them to share their resources, reflect on lessons and activities, and share their work or their students work. For students, blogging can help promote critical thinking, collaboration, communication, and creativity. Blogging allows us to see other perspectives and allows us to see and receive feedback on certain topics. Blogging is a beneficial tool to share and receive new ideas. 

An Image of Someone Blogging

I had the chance to read three of my peers educational blogs and see their ideas and perspectives on some educational topics. The first blog I read was Teacher's Salaries by Mackenzie Hall, she speaks about the wages of educators and how overlooked we are as educator. Often times teachers are overlooked and considered to be almost babysitters rather than the important educators of the future of America. Next, I read Why Class Size Matters by Allison Schaumberger, she spoke about how it is beneficial to have smaller class ratios as it allows for stronger relationships and can encourage more participation from the students. Lastly, I read  Virtual Learning: Helpful or Hinderance? by Anna Seneker, where she spoke about the effects of the virtual learning times during the Covid-19 pandemic and how it created an education gap for kids. Which is what I am seeing today in the students that I am working with and how they are behind on content and are trying to catch up. All of those educational blogs hold really good opinions and thoughts from further educators. Blogging allows people to write out their opinions, ideas, and perspectives. It is so valuable to be able to see how other people feel about certain topics. 

I have personally only have a little bit of experience with blogging. I have to admit that I did like the process of blogging like researching and expressing my ideas. I enjoyed being able to express my perspectives on some educational topics, like reading and building classroom libraries. In the future though, I honestly don't know if I will incorporate blogging into my future classroom as I plan on working with Kindergarteners. I do think blogging would be a good activity for students though, as it can act like journal entry for the student to share their feelings and opinions. No matter where or how you use it, blogging is a beneficial tool for people to use to reflect and learn new things. 

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Educational Blogging

 Blogging is a way for people to share their thoughts, ideas, and opinions on certain topics. There are now educational blogs where teachers...