Friday, November 11, 2022

Educational Blogging

 Blogging is a way for people to share their thoughts, ideas, and opinions on certain topics. There are now educational blogs where teachers can share their ideas about educational activities and practices. According to the K-12 Educational Technology Handbook, there are many benefits for both student and teachers in regards to blogging. For teachers, blogging allows them to share their resources, reflect on lessons and activities, and share their work or their students work. For students, blogging can help promote critical thinking, collaboration, communication, and creativity. Blogging allows us to see other perspectives and allows us to see and receive feedback on certain topics. Blogging is a beneficial tool to share and receive new ideas. 

An Image of Someone Blogging

I had the chance to read three of my peers educational blogs and see their ideas and perspectives on some educational topics. The first blog I read was Teacher's Salaries by Mackenzie Hall, she speaks about the wages of educators and how overlooked we are as educator. Often times teachers are overlooked and considered to be almost babysitters rather than the important educators of the future of America. Next, I read Why Class Size Matters by Allison Schaumberger, she spoke about how it is beneficial to have smaller class ratios as it allows for stronger relationships and can encourage more participation from the students. Lastly, I read  Virtual Learning: Helpful or Hinderance? by Anna Seneker, where she spoke about the effects of the virtual learning times during the Covid-19 pandemic and how it created an education gap for kids. Which is what I am seeing today in the students that I am working with and how they are behind on content and are trying to catch up. All of those educational blogs hold really good opinions and thoughts from further educators. Blogging allows people to write out their opinions, ideas, and perspectives. It is so valuable to be able to see how other people feel about certain topics. 

I have personally only have a little bit of experience with blogging. I have to admit that I did like the process of blogging like researching and expressing my ideas. I enjoyed being able to express my perspectives on some educational topics, like reading and building classroom libraries. In the future though, I honestly don't know if I will incorporate blogging into my future classroom as I plan on working with Kindergarteners. I do think blogging would be a good activity for students though, as it can act like journal entry for the student to share their feelings and opinions. No matter where or how you use it, blogging is a beneficial tool for people to use to reflect and learn new things. 

Friday, November 4, 2022

Digital Story

 This is a Digital Story about Thanksgiving and talks about the history of Thanksgiving and the traditions that take place during the Holiday.

Friday, September 30, 2022

How To Pick The Literacy You Have In Your Classroom Library

 How To Choose Books For Your Class Library

It is important that you have the best books for your students in your classroom library. When students have access to well built classroom libraries it can inspire motivation to read. When kids are motivated to read young it can lead to higher literacy scores and reading comprehension as they get older and progress through academics. How do you stock your classroom library with the best books for your classroom though? Well firstly it requires some research and knowledge on your students. You should definitely put in the time to have conversations with your students to identify their interests as when the students have books they want to read they are more motivated to actually pick up the book and read. You should also make sure that you have a variety of different books with different genres. When there is diversity it creates an exciting and welcoming environment in your classroom. Lastly, there should be a range of books with different reading levels. Not all of your students are going to be at the same level, therefore there should be books for your higher level readers and for your lower level readers. Having access to these different reading level books does not only accommodate all of your students to ensure they have books to read, but it also allows and motivates your students to strive to read those higher level books. The biggest takeaway you should take from this should be diversity. You should have so many different book options available to your students that they should not have the excuse that there is nothing of interest or challenging enough for them. When there are a wide range of books in your classroom library your student will want to read, and they will want to learn how to read well. 
A brown book cart with different books 

The Effect Of Great Books 

As I have previously spoken about the most obvious effect of equipping your classroom library with amazing, diverse, challenging books you can inspire amazing readers. When students are motivated at a young age to read they are most likely to have higher literacy scores as they progress through school and life. Take me for example, I was introduced to books at a young age and was motivated to read books of interest and books at varying reading level. As I went through school I was at the top of my classes when it came to literacy. I believe that is heavily traced back to being motivated and encouraged to read the diverse books that my teachers provided for me. As I was exposed to books that interested me, I wanted to keep reading and I wanted to find more and more books that I liked. As that happened I was also exposed to books at different reading levels that challenged me. Well, I always wanted to accomplish and overcome those challenges and learn how to read proficiently. I was challenged and motivated by my past teachers and libraries and I hope to be able to pay that forward into my future classroom. I want to inspire and challenge my students to read multiple, diverse books. 

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Why Classroom Libraries Are Beneficial

Benefits of Classroom Libraries

Classroom Libraries are an integral part in providing an opportunity for creating motivational reading and working towards better reading comprehension and achievement. The most obvious importance of integrating a well-composed classroom library into your class is that it increases students vocabulary the more that they read as they begin to comprehend the words and as this skill increases in them it leads to higher reading comprehension. Additionally, classroom libraries enrich the curriculum and reinforce language acquisition, as students are learning, teachers are able to incorporate diverse readings, not just text-book readings, into their lessons. When students are able to view these diverse books they are able to relate to the lessons differently and this can lead to more successful readers. My favorite reasons for a classroom library is that it can create a sense of inclusiveness and can create motivated readers. Inside of your classroom libraries you can have books that represent so many diverse situations. For example, if you had a new student, EL students, or just students that are in different situation, you can have an appropriate book in the library that can represent their situation and when they see that and read that it can create a sense of inclusiveness for them as they maybe won't feel like they are so alone, exposing your whole class to those can also create empathy and understanding for the given student. Students having access to books that interest them encourages them to want to read. When they are interested and excited to read they will want to do it for fun and not see it as a boring chore or assignment, it might encourage reading for entertainment in the future. It is so beneficial to have a well-designed classroom library incorporated into your classroom. 

Two children practicing reading with their teacher
at a blue table in front of some organized bookshelves.

My Past Classroom Library

As I have already spoken about previously, In my past experiences with reading I feel like they have shaped me into the reader that I am today! My previous teachers from elementary school always encouraged me to read for fun. They always were there to help me find books that I was actually interested in reading. I feel that them encouraging me to read books of interest inspired me to continue to find books I enjoyed and kept me reading and actually wanting to read. On top of that, I feel that my past teachers challenging me to read so much really helped me to build my vocabulary and reading comprehension skills. When I began reading for fun my scores on vocabulary and reading tests improved into the top percentile in my grade. I remember I was so proud of myself and I have to once again give that accomplishment over to my past classroom libraries as that is where I would go in my free time and read independently and I learned how to read on an advanced level and my reading skills soared. Having a well designed classroom library could go towards helping your future learners become motivated and skilled readers as it did for me. 

Thursday, September 15, 2022

How To Create A Classroom Library

The Impact and Formation of a Great Classroom Library

 Implementing a great classroom library into your classroom goes a long way in helping to generate interest in your students and motivate them to read. When kids are actually excited and motivated to read they tend to develop into skilled readers in the future. A classroom library is a source or section within your classroom where kids are able to find books tailored to their grade-level and interests and the kids are encouraged to select books of interest and read them.  So, how to we do we properly form a classroom library? You should first designate a specific area into your classroom reserved just for the storing/displaying of the books and it should be an area that the kids are encouraged to go to and read independently when given the chance. Next, you should create an ambiance that is inviting and welcoming to your students. This can be in the form of lighting, seating, a rug, decoration, etc. It is your personal decision on how you want to design your library, but keep in mind that a boring or unwelcoming library will not go very far in generating an interest from your students to want to grab a book and read. Lastly, it is finally time to pick your books. This is the most important step because there should be books that would interest at least each one of your students. When children are actually interested in the topic they are reading they are more inclined to want to read. The books should be on grade-level so that they can be learning and it is also sometimes fun to throw in a challenging book for your more advanced students to avoid possible boredom. However you design it or choose your books though, it is important to have your students in mind. It is so important to create an interest in reading while kids are young, so they are motivated to improve their literacy and keep moving forward. 

A library with organized bookshelfs in front of a gray rug and a brown table

The Impact of Past Classroom Libraries

Growing up I was always in the top of my class when it came to literacy skills. I hugely attribute that to my mom, past teacher, and my librarians. In kindergarten, I remember that my teacher had an amazing classroom library. It was in the corner with a comfortable rug and pillows to sit on, the display shelves looked nice and they were kept organized, and they had a lamp that they would turn on when we were allowed to go to the library and read independently. Already having an interest in reading from home, my mom encouraged reading in me and my siblings and always took us to the town library, it helped going into school and being encouraged even more to read. My teacher was aware of my interest in books and she took the time to learn my interests and she would actually recommend books to me and I would fly through them. This continued into first and second grade when my librarian encouraged me to begin reading big chapter books because I was showing up multiple times a day to the library because I would finish all of the grade level books in a single sitting. I remember how proud I was of myself and I am happy to say that my interest in reading has stayed with me. I read everyday and I hope that I can pass the interest that I have in reading on to my future students. My past teachers and librarians encouraged me so much and created a safe and comfortable place for me to hang out and get lost in a story. I hope to have a classroom library that students remember and wish to come to, they are so important. 

Educational Blogging

 Blogging is a way for people to share their thoughts, ideas, and opinions on certain topics. There are now educational blogs where teachers...