Thursday, September 22, 2022

Why Classroom Libraries Are Beneficial

Benefits of Classroom Libraries

Classroom Libraries are an integral part in providing an opportunity for creating motivational reading and working towards better reading comprehension and achievement. The most obvious importance of integrating a well-composed classroom library into your class is that it increases students vocabulary the more that they read as they begin to comprehend the words and as this skill increases in them it leads to higher reading comprehension. Additionally, classroom libraries enrich the curriculum and reinforce language acquisition, as students are learning, teachers are able to incorporate diverse readings, not just text-book readings, into their lessons. When students are able to view these diverse books they are able to relate to the lessons differently and this can lead to more successful readers. My favorite reasons for a classroom library is that it can create a sense of inclusiveness and can create motivated readers. Inside of your classroom libraries you can have books that represent so many diverse situations. For example, if you had a new student, EL students, or just students that are in different situation, you can have an appropriate book in the library that can represent their situation and when they see that and read that it can create a sense of inclusiveness for them as they maybe won't feel like they are so alone, exposing your whole class to those can also create empathy and understanding for the given student. Students having access to books that interest them encourages them to want to read. When they are interested and excited to read they will want to do it for fun and not see it as a boring chore or assignment, it might encourage reading for entertainment in the future. It is so beneficial to have a well-designed classroom library incorporated into your classroom. 

Two children practicing reading with their teacher
at a blue table in front of some organized bookshelves.

My Past Classroom Library

As I have already spoken about previously, In my past experiences with reading I feel like they have shaped me into the reader that I am today! My previous teachers from elementary school always encouraged me to read for fun. They always were there to help me find books that I was actually interested in reading. I feel that them encouraging me to read books of interest inspired me to continue to find books I enjoyed and kept me reading and actually wanting to read. On top of that, I feel that my past teachers challenging me to read so much really helped me to build my vocabulary and reading comprehension skills. When I began reading for fun my scores on vocabulary and reading tests improved into the top percentile in my grade. I remember I was so proud of myself and I have to once again give that accomplishment over to my past classroom libraries as that is where I would go in my free time and read independently and I learned how to read on an advanced level and my reading skills soared. Having a well designed classroom library could go towards helping your future learners become motivated and skilled readers as it did for me. 

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