Friday, September 30, 2022

How To Pick The Literacy You Have In Your Classroom Library

 How To Choose Books For Your Class Library

It is important that you have the best books for your students in your classroom library. When students have access to well built classroom libraries it can inspire motivation to read. When kids are motivated to read young it can lead to higher literacy scores and reading comprehension as they get older and progress through academics. How do you stock your classroom library with the best books for your classroom though? Well firstly it requires some research and knowledge on your students. You should definitely put in the time to have conversations with your students to identify their interests as when the students have books they want to read they are more motivated to actually pick up the book and read. You should also make sure that you have a variety of different books with different genres. When there is diversity it creates an exciting and welcoming environment in your classroom. Lastly, there should be a range of books with different reading levels. Not all of your students are going to be at the same level, therefore there should be books for your higher level readers and for your lower level readers. Having access to these different reading level books does not only accommodate all of your students to ensure they have books to read, but it also allows and motivates your students to strive to read those higher level books. The biggest takeaway you should take from this should be diversity. You should have so many different book options available to your students that they should not have the excuse that there is nothing of interest or challenging enough for them. When there are a wide range of books in your classroom library your student will want to read, and they will want to learn how to read well. 
A brown book cart with different books 

The Effect Of Great Books 

As I have previously spoken about the most obvious effect of equipping your classroom library with amazing, diverse, challenging books you can inspire amazing readers. When students are motivated at a young age to read they are most likely to have higher literacy scores as they progress through school and life. Take me for example, I was introduced to books at a young age and was motivated to read books of interest and books at varying reading level. As I went through school I was at the top of my classes when it came to literacy. I believe that is heavily traced back to being motivated and encouraged to read the diverse books that my teachers provided for me. As I was exposed to books that interested me, I wanted to keep reading and I wanted to find more and more books that I liked. As that happened I was also exposed to books at different reading levels that challenged me. Well, I always wanted to accomplish and overcome those challenges and learn how to read proficiently. I was challenged and motivated by my past teachers and libraries and I hope to be able to pay that forward into my future classroom. I want to inspire and challenge my students to read multiple, diverse books. 

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