Thursday, September 15, 2022

How To Create A Classroom Library

The Impact and Formation of a Great Classroom Library

 Implementing a great classroom library into your classroom goes a long way in helping to generate interest in your students and motivate them to read. When kids are actually excited and motivated to read they tend to develop into skilled readers in the future. A classroom library is a source or section within your classroom where kids are able to find books tailored to their grade-level and interests and the kids are encouraged to select books of interest and read them.  So, how to we do we properly form a classroom library? You should first designate a specific area into your classroom reserved just for the storing/displaying of the books and it should be an area that the kids are encouraged to go to and read independently when given the chance. Next, you should create an ambiance that is inviting and welcoming to your students. This can be in the form of lighting, seating, a rug, decoration, etc. It is your personal decision on how you want to design your library, but keep in mind that a boring or unwelcoming library will not go very far in generating an interest from your students to want to grab a book and read. Lastly, it is finally time to pick your books. This is the most important step because there should be books that would interest at least each one of your students. When children are actually interested in the topic they are reading they are more inclined to want to read. The books should be on grade-level so that they can be learning and it is also sometimes fun to throw in a challenging book for your more advanced students to avoid possible boredom. However you design it or choose your books though, it is important to have your students in mind. It is so important to create an interest in reading while kids are young, so they are motivated to improve their literacy and keep moving forward. 

A library with organized bookshelfs in front of a gray rug and a brown table

The Impact of Past Classroom Libraries

Growing up I was always in the top of my class when it came to literacy skills. I hugely attribute that to my mom, past teacher, and my librarians. In kindergarten, I remember that my teacher had an amazing classroom library. It was in the corner with a comfortable rug and pillows to sit on, the display shelves looked nice and they were kept organized, and they had a lamp that they would turn on when we were allowed to go to the library and read independently. Already having an interest in reading from home, my mom encouraged reading in me and my siblings and always took us to the town library, it helped going into school and being encouraged even more to read. My teacher was aware of my interest in books and she took the time to learn my interests and she would actually recommend books to me and I would fly through them. This continued into first and second grade when my librarian encouraged me to begin reading big chapter books because I was showing up multiple times a day to the library because I would finish all of the grade level books in a single sitting. I remember how proud I was of myself and I am happy to say that my interest in reading has stayed with me. I read everyday and I hope that I can pass the interest that I have in reading on to my future students. My past teachers and librarians encouraged me so much and created a safe and comfortable place for me to hang out and get lost in a story. I hope to have a classroom library that students remember and wish to come to, they are so important. 

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